Root faction combination

Welcome in the root faction combination checker. The goal of this tool is to help you when choosing the faction before a game of root.

To use it :

  1. Select the extension you want to play with
  2. Select the number of player in your game
  3. Select one by one the faction you want.

If after a choice, a faction become disabled (grayed out) it mean that there is no valid possible configuration that include this faction and the ones you already picked. For a configuration to be valid you need the sum of all the choosen faction to be atleast the reach value indicated (for exemple 17 for 2 players)

The Riverfolk Expansion

The Underworld Expansion

The Marauder Expansion

Number of player :

Reach : 0/21+

Marquise de Cat

faction logo


The Eyrie

faction logo



faction logo


Woodland Alliance

faction logo